Art and Culture Translation

art and culture translation

“The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

Translating for the art and culture industry is a bit of an art itself. It's a broad and multifaceted field: we can have guides and captions for museums' exhibitions, history essays, philosophical articles, visual and applied arts and so much more.

The register and tone of voice varies greatly: a philosophical essay is very different from the caption under a painting in a museum, an article about Japanese history requires a different approach from the description of a piece of contemporary art. Your content needs to be informative and clear, but engaging and captivating at the same time.

Whatever results you need to achieve, I'll make sure that your language creates value for your customer and is on point. And if you wish, we can add that creative twist that they will remember.



You are unique and the same goes for every project that you need me to work on.

The price for this service starts at 0.14 EUR/word or 0.20 CAD/word.
However, prices vary depending on many different factors, such as subject matter, format, deadline, target audience and so forth.

You don't need to worry! Just shoot me an email and I will draft a free non-binding quote tailored to your needs.

Want to a have a chat about your artsy project?